Artificial Intelligence (AI) has begun being utilized in marketing strategies recently and has grown more intelligent as technology continues to change and improve. Now, we’ve begun to ask, “How far will AI in marketing go?” The recent launch of OpenAI’s ChatGPT has been at the forefront of every marketer’s mind. In this article, we discuss the ways to use ChatGPT for marketing your small business and the benefits it can provide.

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT stands for “Chat Generated Pre-Trained Transformer” and is an AI chatbot that utilizes a natural language processing model called GPT-3.5 that OpenAI developed. Various industries, including marketing, have used it as a tool to improve and automate customer interactions and improve customer experience. ChatGPT can be utilized to write blog post outlines, product descriptions, and website copy, and can even code and work on event planning.

Let’s explore how the generative AI tool, ChatGPT, can be used in marketing and how ChatGPT and other language models will affect the future of marketing.

How Can Marketers Use ChatGPT?

SEO, Keyword Research, Clusters, and Topics

  1. Keyword Research

ChatGPT can help with keyword research by asking it some simple questions. Start by telling ChatGPT what primary keyword you would like to rank for and then ask it what supporting keyword you should rank for. You can then filter out any keywords irrelevant to your brand and determine the search intent of each keyword. Once you know the keyword’s intent, you can write relevant content.

  1. Topic Clusters

ChatGPT can help create content clusters that lead to an effective pillar page outline. You can ask ChatGPT to “Organize the above keywords into content clusters.” It will give you SEO agency-related keywords, business-related keywords, service-related keywords, and expertise-related keywords. Having these ideas in front of you can help you identify connective elements between each subject, making it easier to plan a cohesive plan moving forward.

  1. Topic Suggestions

You can ask ChatGPT to generate a list of the most frequently asked questions related to your primary keyword and relevant to your target audience. These questions can be answered on a Frequently Asked Questions page on your website, individual blogs, or even social media posts.

Ways to Use ChatGPT for Marketing Your Small Business

Writing Ad Copy, Keyword Research, and Campaign Structure

  1. Writing Ad Copy

ChatGPT can be a great tool to help you write high-converting PPC headlines. It’s important to remember that ChatGPT is a generative pre-trained bot with only access to its training data. As more people use the platform, the better its responses will be. For now, it’s best to use it as an idea initiator rather than an idea generator.

  1. Keyword Research

Keyword research for paid ads can be done similarly to keyword research for SEO. If you’re developing a PPC campaign, you will want to target keyword variations and synonyms in your campaign. This is a quick and easy way to create a keyword list outline, but it will still require a set of human eyes to refine and decide which keywords are fully appropriate.

  1. Campaign Structure

When asking ChatGPT for a campaign structure, it can present different ad groups with focus keywords, supporting keywords, and headlines. It can also suggest campaign settings. If you have minimal PPC experience, this can be a great tool to give you a place to start designing your first campaign.

Blog Post Outlines and Social Media Captions

  1. Blog Post Outlines

ChatGPT can help you create an outline for the blogs you are writing. ChatGPT can provide a general outline and overall structure for presenting your information. The responses can be fairly short but can add value to certain sections of the blogs you are creating.

It’s important not to copy AI responses word for word because Google will not reward you for unoriginal content that doesn’t provide additional value.

  1. Social Media Captions

Social media captions through ChatGPT are a great time-saving hack. It can help you write multiple captions at once. Some ChatGPT users have even asked the bot to write their captions in specific tones to coordinate with their brand voice. Some examples of tones that you can ask ChatGPT to write in include funny, expert, knowledgeable, and inspirational. If you feed AI specifics about your brand and products, AI can create a targeted tagline or starting point for you and your team.

Ways to Use ChatGPT for Marketing Your Small Business

Optimize Your Existing Ad Copy

If you have existing ad copy that could do with some work, ChatGPT can help! The more specific you are with your requests, the better the outputs are. With ChatGPT, you can ask it to build upon its previous answers to expand the information already provided and give you punchy, attention-grabbing headlines. ChatGPT is a great tool to get creative juices flowing and form outlines.

Writing Product Descriptions

The creators of ChatGPT first used the platform to generate product descriptions for their own website resulting in the company saving time and resources. If you have an e-commerce store with hundreds of products, ChatGPT can be integrated with Google Sheets to create hundreds of descriptions in seconds.

Digital Marketing Experts Here to Help!

Marketing is a combination of parts that help businesses get leads and conversions that will help them grow and make sales. ChatGPT can become one of those parts utilized to boost your business’ marketing. At Fotex Labs, we can help you navigate and develop strategies to help you thrive in an ever-changing digital world. We offer various services to boost your business’s digital presence, including website development, search engine optimization, data analytics, advertising, and social media management.

Give us a call at (858) 228-7697, or click here to visit our website.