1. Develop buyer personas:

Think of who your ideal client is. What are their problems and challenges? What solutions do they need? What is your target market searching for? Answering these questions and more will greatly improve your website conversion rate and SEO. Develop a snapshot of your ideal client and figure out what kind of content should be created to attract them. This step is crucial and helps build a solid foundation for generating traffic.

2. Browse related searches:

Once you’re aware of what your ideal clients are searching for, head over to Google and enter some keywords and key-phrases into the search box without pressing “Enter”. Use the related suggestions that come up, as well as those at the bottom of the search results to build out your keyword list.

3. Expand your keyword list:

Use automated tools such as the Google Keyword Planner to find even more keyword phrases that might be worth targeting.

4. Narrow down your keyword list:

Once you have a long list of possible keywords & phrases, sift through them and eliminate overly competitive keywords that aren’t worth pursuing.

5. Choose target keywords:

Once you’ve filtered out the irrelevant and overly competitive keywords, it should be easier to choose keywords in line with what your ideal clients are searching for— keywords that you actually have a chance to rank for. These chosen keywords or key-phrases will be the centerpieces of your content; they will be used to provide answers to your visitors’ questions as well as to position you as an authority who can help them if they need even more.