COVID-19 has pushed some businesses to reconsider the current strategies or business models. With many people in quarantine due to COVID-19, the digital marketing landscape for businesses has changed dramatically. Here are some digital marketing tips & tricks for your online advertising!

Did you know? 46% of consumers are using social media more than before the pandemic. Organic searches are up by 33% as information on COVID-19 continues to arrive. Here’s what you can do to improve your online advertising:

  1. Don’t stop researching.

    Digital marketing is highly volatile these days, therefore you need to keep an eye on what consumers are searching for online. Then you would have to decide how your services or products can fit in.

    Let me give you a few ideas. For instance, if you’re a restaurant owner, you will probably have to offer deliveries or promote take homes. If you’re in a furniture store, people may have an immediate need for home office furniture. If you’re a lawyer or a healthcare professional, you may need to start offering online consultation services. If you work in the transportation sector, you may need to consider offering delivery services to transport food, medicine and other things. Just be creative and think outside the box.

  2. Align your digital marketing strategy with your business

    Align your digital marketing strategy with your business once you have a better understanding of what direction to take. Make sure all your efforts are aligned. Update all your information on your website, social media, business pages, Google my business and Bing places. Remember that most people are not leaving their houses. Make sure you’re telling potential clients your story online. For instance, create interactive content, such as videos, images and slideshows. Provide detailed information about your current services and products. Answer if relevant on how your business is taking preventive measures against COVID-19, make sure your ad copy strategies are aligned and that you’re using keywords that are relevant right now. Check your Google Analytics and make sure that you’re tracking all website engagement. You can also create remarketing campaigns to reconnect with past website visitors. You can even create local display campaigns and YouTube campaigns, all to increase brand awareness, establish yourself as a trusted provider while using Google My Business and Bing Places. Also take advantage of Microsoft Advertising to reach an audience with a high purchasing power.

  3. Plan for the future

    These are strategies that you can use to adapt to the current situation, however you always need to think long term. Once the COVID-19 break is over, you’ll probably have to update the information that changed during this time. If your business is at its low season, don’t stop advertising, on the contrary, make sure you’re warming up your leads for the high season. Similarly, if your business has no chance to adapt to this current situation, focus on developing and growing your marketing lists. If people are not moving at the lower part of your funnel they are in the upper and middle stages. And you want to make sure that when they’re ready to pull the trigger you’re there to catch that bullet.

    We hope these digital marketing tips & tricks for your online advertising helped, but if you want more detailed information on each of the points mentioned, let Fotex Labs help you! Call 858-228-7697.