Short-form video content are all the rage these days with apps like Tik Tok and Instagram pushing for more video content materials. There are a variety of topics to film and create to help increase reach and engagement. A great way to do this is through video testimonials. In our latest blog, we go over how video testimonials can help your business grow. Read along to find out.


How Video Testimonials Can Help Your Business Grow

What are Video Testimonials?

Video testimonials are, in short, videos of a client’s experience with a business. They are usually 60 – 90 seconds long and include a detailed synopsis of what the client needed and how that business was able to aid them in resolving their issues. Video testimonials are one of the best and most effective marketing tools. They provide onlookers with emotional appeal, social proof, and a positive association with a business. Videos are dynamic and include a variety of mediums, including photos, texts, and graphics. They are great at drawing attention and retaining it. Below are some interesting statistics we found on video testimonials and their effectiveness.

  • 72% of people trust businesses more after reading positive reviews and watching video testimonials (BigCommerce, Inc)
  • Videos are shown to have a 95% retention rate compared to text. (Wordstream)
  • Viewers are 95% more likely to retain information when in a form of a video. (insivia)
  • 64% of consumer make purchases after watching branded videos. (TubularLabs)
  • 59% of business executives prefer videos over text when learning about a business or a product. (VocalReference)
  • Customer testimonials have an 89% effectiveness rating for content marketing. (Social Fresh)
  • 86% of marketers utilize videos in their marketing campaigns. (Oberlo)
  • 73% of business report positive ROI. (VocalReference)
  • Marketers get 66% more qualified leads. (Oberlo)

How to Use Video Testimonials

Video testimonials can be used in a variety of ways. They can be used as content for your website and social media platforms. With leading social media platforms like Tik Tok and Instagram pushing for more videos on their apps, posting video content will permit businesses to stay relevant and noticed online.

video testimonial

How to Create Video Testimonials

Creating video testimonials requires careful planning, high-quality equipment, and expert videography skills. Planning includes reaching out to past clients, establishing a time and place to shoot, and ensuring everything is prepped for each shoot. In order to create high-quality videos, high-quality equipment is necessary. While filming can seem like nothing more than a press of a button, there’s a lot that goes into it that only an expert videography knows about. An expert videographer knows how to work the light, capture each frame, and create a video that frames their client in the best light.

How Video Testimonials Can Help Your Business Grow

Working with an Expert

With social media platforms, consumers, and businesses turning more to video content, video testimonials are a must. Video testimonials can help establish and solidify a business’s credibility, likeability, and trustworthiness. While they require careful planning and execution, they offer a high ROI. At Fotex Labs, we have the equipment and the experience to produce high-quality video testimonials, allowing you to effectively maximize your marketing efforts online. For more information, call 858-228-7697 or visit